
Concept Tab

A concept is an idea that asks a question that implies conflict. The answer to that question is your story.

Concept is what begins to shape your idea into a story. Taking the time to create a compelling concept is key to a good story.

Initially, phrase your concept as a “what if” question. Then use ‘What if? And ‘What happens is’ to flesh out your idea.

A good concept sparks more “what if” questions.

Other Examples:

The da Vinci Code

•	What if Leonardo da Vinci hid clues about Christianity’s origins in his painting of “The Last Supper?”

•	What if Christianity’s true beginnings are a secret protected by a secret organization?

•	What if Mary bore Christ’s child?

The Godfather

•	What if a man justifies becoming a criminal out of family loyalty?

When Harry Met Sally

•	Can men and women be friends? 

•	Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning?

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