
Defining Scenes

Defining Scenes

Scene workflow The Scene form contains four tabs.

Scene tab

The scene tab contains the scene’s setting and its cast of characters, as well as a scene summary.

Development tab

This tab poses four questions that can guide the crafting of the scene.

Conflict tab

The Conflict tab applies the same GMC (goal, motivation and conflict) approach used in the Problem form at the scene level.

Sequel tab

The scene is the actions your character takes to achieve a goal (and the actions your character’s opponent takes to prevent it.) However, the scene itself (especially if it’s an action scene) may not allow for your characters to react to the events. The Sequel tab is just that, an interlude between this scene and the one that follows to show the emotional response to the (often disastrous) scene, to reflect on it (alone or in dialog), and to come up with a new plan.

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